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publicity & media relations

Do you need a focused public relations campaign or a long-term media relations strategy that helps your organization build its credibility and influence over time? In either case, we can help with:

  • Developing a High-Impact Publicity Strategy

  • Creating Purpose-Driven Content

  • Experienced Media Outreach

  • Interview Preparation

  • Using Your Coverage in Your Marketing Strategy



expert positioning & publishing

Your expertise is the special ingredient that sets your organization apart from the rest, but not every subject matter expert is as comfortable with communication as they are with their areas of interest.

Let’s turn your expertise into a go-to media source that advances your reputation and credibility.

With our help, you can turn your experience and insights into interviews with local, national, and trade media, and invitations to publish your thought leadership in ways that increase your visibility and prestige and establish you as a trusted voice in your field.




celebrity AND influencer spokesperson engagement

Consumers rely on reviews, insights, and opinions from peers and influencers. Donors to a cause are often moved by the generosity and compassion of celebrities and influencers whose words and stories lead to a personal connection. We can help connect you to the influencers whose voices and values match your brand, navigate the contractual procedures, and manage the business and creative details from start to finish for an effective celebrity campaign.




media training, public speaking coaching

We love nothing more than getting dream PR placements for our clients…


If public speaking or interviews feel more like a nightmare, you’re not alone: a 2016 study revealed that 74% of Americans suffer from a fear of public speaking. (That’s 3 out of every 4 people, so you’re in good company!) The real question is, how can you learn to overcome your fear and develop confidence in your speaking skills? We can show you how, with a suite of services that includes:

  • Full-Service Media Training

  • Public Speaking Coaching

  • Body Language Coaching

  • Talking Point Practice



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Social Media and Strategic content

A successful social media plan depends on establishing an organized process for content creation, media management, scheduling, delivery, analytics, cross-promotion, and relationship-building with other voices in your space. Whether you’re devising your social media strategy from scratch or looking for ways to streamline or outsource your existing process, we’re glad to help you build and maintain an effective program.




executive correspondence, speech writing

The right words matter. When your executive leadership needs to strike the right tone in corporate letters, internal memos, public op-eds, crisis communications, and other employee- and public-facing messages, our team of media specialists can help. From ghostwriting to media training, we’ve got your communications needs covered so you can stay focused on the big picture.




digital and print newsletters

Your organization needs to stay in touch with a variety of audiences: executives, employees, clients, customers, donors, volunteers, vendors, partners, supporters, and more. Whether you need one communications package that connects with your entire audience at once, or custom newsletters that reach specific audiences with targeted messages on a variable schedule, we can help. From content creation to editorial review and audience management to scheduled delivery, we’ll work with you to find the voice, frequency, and specificity that resonates with your audiences and achieves your goals.


Annual Reports

Your annual report is a huge opportunity to showcase a full year of success! We love working with our clients to craft their annual reports, helping to build them from strategic outlines into full-color presentations full of data, stories, images, and insights that make every reader proud to be affiliated with your organization.


crisis communication plans & action

Even the best organizations have challenges, and sometimes those issues take center stage. When bad things happen, you need act fast, communicate effectively and compassionately manage public perception of your organization. We have over 20 years of experience in guiding our clients through many types of challenging situations, with support services including:

  • Crisis Communication Plan and Protocol Development

  • Crisis Communication Management

  • Media Response During Crisis

  • Digital Reputation Management


web Design, graphic design, ILLUSTRATION, PHOTOGRAPHY, and video production

Digital communications depend on clear, intuitive, and impactful design. When you need creative that stands out from the crowd, our network of graphic designers, illustrators, web developers, photographers, and videographers will come together to create a website, print layout, digital campaign, or video that conveys your message with emotion and inspires your audience to take action.